Experience History With AR- BBC Civilisations AR App Review

Sree Padikkal
3 min readJun 8, 2021

When I think about augmented reality, I think about 3D views of ancient history and extinct animals like dinosaurs and futuristic scientific movies like Avatar. BBC’s Civilisations AR application is designed for school students with a virtual exhibition of more than 40 different artifacts from ancient history worldwide. This application is a companion to BBC’s Civilisations Television Show.

What is Civilisation AR

Civilisations AR is an experience that virtually transports the user to the ancient world in the middle of the living room or wherever the user is. Civilisations AR easily recognizes flat surfaces in all sorts of light to superimpose statues, mummies, etc., onto images seen on the phone screen. Those who don’t want to use it can turn it off, making it more accessible to various users. Overall, Civilisations AR from the BBC is an educational gem.

What I love about the App

1. 3D view

The menu shows a globe with artifacts appearing at its point of origin. The artwork shows up in 3D view and can be rotated and resized. Once the item has loaded, Kids can opt-out of AR mode, in which case the objects appear in 3D view on a plain background. Users can scale it depending on how much space they have and can walk around to examine it from every angle.

2. X-Ray Mode

There’s also a feature called X-ray that allows seeing inside an object; For example, you can see inside a sarcophagus to see the Egyptian mummy above.

3. Music

The background music changes depending on the location you are exploring. For example, If you are looking at an artifact from Japan, Japanese music will play in the background.

4. Notes and details

There is an information page that outlines the origin of the object along with its exciting details.

The information is divided into themes like early civilizations, the human body, faith, etc., making it easier to find the required information. The Read page option notifies all missing information, and there a close option at the bottom of the page so that the user can close it if they want without scrolling to the top of the page.

How can we use the app in the future?

Currently, the App offers a 3D view on a 2D Mobile screen. However, instead of an AR camera 3D view, kids will be more interested in the app that could connect to a VR Camera as they get a real 3D experience.

During crises like COVID, people will not be able to go to public places like museums. Therefore, this application can be an alternative form of entertainment that has good information.

Parents can help their kids with learning. This app is a gem for kids with learning disabilities or kids who are homeschooled.

The Civilisations AR is beneficial for people who work as Archeologists and Geologists. When there are Covid 19 related travel restrictions, people can work together from various parts of the world without actually travelling.

Design Rating

Overall I love the application, and in a world where everything works on technology, applications like Civilisations AR takes advantage of the latest tech to help students and teachers learn in a fun and entertaining way.

